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Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene

A consistent, thorough oral hygiene routine is paramount to keeping a healthy mouth – preventing bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay and ultimately, tooth loss! We take great pride in educating our patients on how to look after their oral hygiene, with our dentists and hygienists working in cohesion to prevent our patients from needing more complex dental treatment. After all, prevention is better than cure.

Dental Hygienist Visits at Plymouth Dental

In order to maintain good oral hygiene and keep your mouth healthy, we recommend that your teeth are professionally cleaned by our hygienists at least twice a year. Doing this will remove plaque & tartar as well as preventing cavities & gum disease.

During your visits you’ll receive the following care:

  • Gum disease prevention
  • Stain removal
  • Guided biofilm therapy (GBT)
  • Oral health advice
  • Decay prevention & diet tips
  • Information on acid consumption and erosion
  • Education on correct brushing techniques
  • Managing bad breath

Hygiene Treatments Available at Plymouth Dental

We have an array of treatment options available to you here at the practice – all of which can be discussed with your hygienist, who’ll create a bespoke treatment plan to suit your needs. More information on individual treatments below…

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT)

Estimated time: 30 minutes

Includes: Soft tissue assessment, screening for gum disease, vegetable dye used to highlight problematic areas, air flow and/or periflow therapy to remove bacteria, dietary advice.

Invisalign Plymouth Dental Centre of Excellence
Advanced Hygiene Maintenance with Air-Flow Polish

Estimated time: 30 minutes

For: Patients who have stable periodontal disease

Includes: Soft tissue assessment, oral hygiene assessment and advice, accessing residual pockets and completing a ‘deep clean’ with the ultrasonic scaler and Air-Flow used in each pocket. This appointment can also include an annual pocket chart to reassess periodontal disease status when required.

Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene
Full Periodontal Treatment

Estimated time: 45-60 minutes

Includes: Detailed pocket charting, non-surgical deep ultrasonic cleaning to removed plaque and calculus from the pockets, oral hygiene advice, help stabilise periodontal disease.

Initial assessment required prior to commencing treatment for suitability and treatment planning.

Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment

Estimated time: 45-60 minutes per appointment

Includes: Detailed pocket charting, half mouth non-surgical deep ultrasonic cleaning to help stabilise periodontal disease. Usually required periodically after full periodontal treatment.

Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene
Advanced Implant Maintenance with Air-Flow

Estimated time: 45-60 minutes

Includes: Soft tissue assessment, screening for gum disease, oral hygiene assessment and advice, ultrasonic and/or hand scaling, plaque and calculus removal, Air-Flow Polish* (If suitable) around each implant. This appointment also includes detailed pocket charting around each implant, when required.

Recommended annually for most implant patients.

EMS Air-Flow Machine

The EMS Air-Flow machine delivers a gentle mixture air, water and micro-fine powder (either erythritol or Sodium Bicarbonate) which disrupts bacterial biofilms, removes plaque and completely removes both old and new stains caused over time by tea, coffee, wine and cigarettes. The effect is instant!

The powders are safe to use on tooth surfaces, dental crowns and bridges and all dental appliances.It is also safe to use around  dental implants and areas of periodontal disease.

WARNING: *Air-Flow Polish is NOT suitable for patients who have respiratory disorders including asthma and COPD.

Dental Hygiene

What's the Cost?

Patients who’re subscribed to our pay monthly plan will have between two and four hygiene visits each year included in the cost of the membership, more information can be found by clicking here

Private patient fees can be found on our treatment fees page.

Book a Hygiene Appointment

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